Monday, May 18, 2009

One of those

Last Monday I returned home from North Carolina and have attempted blogging since but internet/computer issues have left me with nothing more than frustration. The last week could be classified as 'one of those weeks'. While in NC, I was offered a temp job working as performance coordinator for a music/arts festival. I was really excited for this offer and then after a few days of tasks, some family drama, and the realization that the job was going to be a ton of work for very little compensation, I turned the position down.

Much of this decision came when I was helping my parents this weekend and I found myself really enjoying our time together. With getting married and leaving CO, I had to step back and look at what is most important in my life right now. The conclusion: Family/friends, marriage and moving forward to the ultimate goal (living in an RV with Mig and dogs for at least a year all around America). I plan to write about all of our adventures in another blog and maybe even a book! Haha.

So, back to square one: looking for a part-time job. I have faith that the perfect position will present itself very soon. Keep your fingers crossed ;) Best wishes for a wonderful week!!!

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