Saturday, January 12, 2013

What do you do?

What is it about this year that is so freeing?  Maybe it’s because I’m not pregnant and my brain cloud is finally clearing.  As I mentioned in a previous post, I am coming to terms with my conflicting ways.  This week I had an epiphany that has completely changed me.

Throughout my adulthood I have always struggled with how to answer the ridiculous question, “What do you do?”.  Thinking about a career has always been a festering sore in my side and kept me awake many a night. Well, I no longer have to waste my time searching for an answer, for the answer has been right in front of me for the last 3 years.  I’m a homemaker/stay-at-home mom/housewife and I’m really good at it.  I love what I do and my job is very important, regardless of the fact that I don’t bring home a paycheck.

I believe the reasons behind my lag in this discovery can be traced back to the thought that unless you contribute financially, you are not doing your part.  What a silly notion! Now that I realize I was choosing my own misery by allowing myself to believe I wasn’t doing enough, change is inevitable.  A giant boulder of frustrations has been knocked off my shoulders and I feel lighter.  I feel ready to finally be totally present at home and with my family.  With the worry gone, I can concentrate on things of real importance like raising my children and living a happy, healthy life together!


Lucy Barrard said...

I really love your site. Your post are very enlightening as well and I always find myself realizing the important stuff while reading it. Keep up the great work!

Cindy said...

Thank you, Lucy!! I really appreciate your kind words.